Dear Dr. R.V. Shrink:
I am abbreviation challenged. I really don't know if I can handle this RV lifestyle. Everything seems to be in code. I asked another camper where he likes to camp and he said his favorite place was the BLM. I didn't know what that was so I asked another guy. He said his favorite campgrounds where the COE's. Not one to give up easily, I asked the campground hosts where they liked to camp and they said, "We usually host for the NPS but we also stay at KOA's when we travel." Now I am totally alphabetically bewildered! These convoluted letter combinations are driving me nuts. --SOL in Salem
Dear Out of Luck:
I'm glad they didn't hire you to break Japanese code during WWII. First thing you need to do is ask more questions. People would be glad to define all these abbreviations for you. If you are not comfortable with that, there is always GOOGLE. Many campground and map books are full of abbreviations you have to understand. They will inform you of the amenities that a park may have, what pets are allowed, seasons and types of payments accepted.
You might want to purchase an acronym finder and carry it with you at all times. Don't even think about carrying a cell phone and texting friends. You will never survive that experience. Plus, texting while driving will lead to more abbreviations like MD, DOA and CT scan. LOL.
It can all be very complicated, but sometimes you can use it to your advantage. I never went to college but when I fill out employment forms asking for higher education I always put down that I graduated from USMC. It gives some people the impression I graduated from USC or MSU.
So don't sweat the small stuff. It will all come naturally after you have been on the road awhile. You will feel like you have a Ph.D in abbr. Soon you will know right away to use the CAN when you have a BM at the BLM.
--Keep Smilin', Dr. R.V. Shrink
I remember way back when I was told to refrain from acronyms when writing unless you spell it out the first time you use it and do the same when speaking. That way you don't embarrass the other party who "didn't get it". As in; I like camping in BLM (Bureau of Land Management) areas but sometimes the far Western BLM's are just to crowded.
You can always google the acromys, too! If you to affaid to ask what they mean.
I ran into the same problem when I purchased a new TV. I thought I wanted an LCD TV, but was told if I wanted a more efficient set that a LED LCD HDTV would be the way to go. Unless I wanted to go full boat with a 3D LED LCD HDTV. I bought a radio instead.
AM or FM?
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