Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Private vs Public

Dear Dr. R.V. Shrink:
We have been traveling for almost nine months. We bought a fifth-wheel, a new truck and all the toys. We plan to travel for several years and look for some special place to spend winters, once we have seen all the sights. The problem is campground choice. I like to stay in commercial campgrounds with all the amenities and my husband likes to rough it in remote scenic campgrounds. He told me, “If I wanted to spend my retirement sardined into a shoebox campsite I would have bought a mobile home.” He complains that we are so close to neighbors he can hear them talking, smell them smoking, and listen to their TV programs. I don’t think it’s that bad. I get bored sitting out in the woods, desert, and ocean by ourselves. Are we normal? Does everyone have this problem?
--Unhappy Campers in Coos Bay

Dear Unhappy:
As with most disagreements, it takes compromise. If only everyone had your small problem to deal with. I’m sure you have favorite campgrounds you both have enjoyed. Start with those. Look for commercial parks with bigger lots. Often you have to pay a premium for more open space, but perhaps it’s worth it to buffer yourselves from talk, smoke and TV. As for being bored in remote public campgrounds, work on that problem. It’s surprising how many people dive into this RV lifestyle without giving any thought as to what comes next. Is travel your only hobby? If you are bored you may need to explore interests that you can take on the road. Join activities and meet fellow travelers. Play cards, explore bike trails, swim, dance and go out for dinner and a movie. Living on the road should not be much different than the life you lived before shoving off. It just encompasses new places, new friends, new experiences. Your choice of campsites are a personal matter involving cost, locations, hookups, and so much more. There is no shortage of places to camp, park or even put down semi-permanent roots. I think if you work together to choose camping options, your husband will find parks he can live with, and you will find rural settings that keep your interest.
--Keep Smilin’, Dr. R.V. Shrink



Anonymous said...

Most of the fun of being on the road is getting to experience ALL ways and places to call "home". We have been fulltimers now for 8 years and found, to keep each of us happy, that the solution is to each do a little of what the other enjoys and a lot of what we both enjoy. Works for us!

Calvin R said...

How about reserving a final decision for a winter or two? One or both parties may adapt, or you might find somewhere ideal for both of you.

Anonymous said...

Most State Campgrounds have amenities and lots of space. You are usually restricted to several weeks, however. My husband and I share the love for space and amenities and we like to keep moving, putting 30,000 plus miles under our belts yearly. Good times!