Wednesday, September 14, 2011

RV You Haul

Dear Dr. R.V. Shrink:
I have a weight problem. My husband says my embroidery machine is too heavy to carry with us in the 5th wheel. I was fine with that until he bought a small air compressor to haul around with us. His argument was that we needed it to check our tire pressure and add air when necessary. The thing weighs more than my embroidery machine. I told him every gas station in America has an air hose. For those that cost a quarter I would gladly pay with the money I make using my embroidery machine. I love the RV lifestyle as much as my husband, but if I can't do what I enjoy, I'll stay home and embroider and he can go blow air up his tires. Can you find us some common ground?
--Tired and under pressure in Peoria

Dear Tired:
You should not have a blowout in your relationship over cargo space. You should both be able to find equipment that fits the bill of lading for an RV. With today's technology I have seen both items in a smaller size and capable of doing what you both want to do. I agree with your argument. Most stations do have available air. Often it is not convenient to reach, but often a long air hose will reach all around even a large rig. I can see having a small compressor would make it convenient to check your tires anywhere. If I were you I would compromise and take both. If, after several months, one gets little use--lose it! I think that is good advise for any items you haul. It is a matter of learning what to carry and what to leave behind. Everything should be an option. With so much storage space available in newer rigs people have a tendency to haul equipment they will never use. It takes some sorting out. Be open minded and you will soon lose more weight than you ever imagined.
--Keep Smilin', Dr. R.V. Shrink



Anonymous said...

I think you can find room for both, but at very least in the North East, I have problems finding air at gas stations when I need it for my easily moved convertible, forget about it for my truck/trailer.

kevin said...

I just bought a air compressor that weighs about 3 lbs and pumps up to 250 psi, so I dont see any reason she cant have her embroidery machine.

Tomharg said...

One of the problems with using service station air is that quite often the rig has been driven enough to warm up the tires before arriving at the station so you are no longer checking the "cold inflation pressure." If you fill the tire to the desired pressure at that point, the tire is likely to be under-inflated by a few pounds (my tires seem to gain about 4 psi, at 65 psi, after running for even a few miles). Furthermore, the driver may be tempted to let out a few pounds if the pressure seems a bit high, which would also lead to under-inflation. I carry a little 5-pound, 12 volt, tankless compressor which does a fine job if I need to add pressure before I leave the CG.

Anonymous said...

Small tire pressure pumps are available which can fill RV tires. I have one. It weighs about 2 lbs and is the size of a shoe box and Operates through Cigarette lighter plug. No need for a compressor unless he is like a lot of us who have to take a tool box "just in case". I take one and pray I never have to use it.

Anonymous said...

Kevin ..sure would like to hear more about that air compressor...make,where to buy...Thnx

Anonymous said...

Only married RVers have fights like these--fights over space for the items they bring home, not the cost. I go to great lengths to purchase the small bottles of ketchup and shampoo, while my husband brings home a guitar, a big grill, and now has just ordered a new inflatable boat and motor. The guitar has to be stowed in MY closet as his is full.

Anonymous said...

25 cent air machines often don't work and rarely have enough pressure.

"Advise" s/b advice.

nomad said...

This is the air compressor we use. Fits under the rear seat in our truck. Hubby even uses it to inflate our tires! Works great and well worth the investment at under $60 (slime + flat fixer included) ...

How much does as embroidery machine weigh btw?